Saturday, February 2, 2008

Week 3: Web 2.0 and Podcasting where is this heading?

Web 2.0 is a huge advancement of Web 1.0. “We began trying to tease out the principles that are demonstrated in one way or another by the success stories of web 1.0 and by the most interesting of the new applications.” (Tim O'Reilly, 2005) People are seeking more than we expect in this century. Web 1.0 was not satisfying to most of the internet users. So how about Web 2.0? What is the Web heading to after Web 2.0?

Web 1.0 is just a read only webpage which can not edit by visitors. For example, “Netscape vs. Google”, Google is the evolution of Netscape. Search engine is one of the features of Web 2.0. You can type the keywords in the search engine and the results will automatic show on the webpage. The other characteristic is the sharing of the information is commonly spread on Web 2.0. Web 2.0 provide a “visitors also can express their thinking on the web”. ‘Forum’ is the example of sharing, that you can see the article on the top and then many comments below the entry. The other features of Web 2.0 are listed below:
Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick -->Google AdSense
Ofoto -->Flickr
Akamai -->BitTorrent -->Napster
Britannica Online -->Wikipedia
personal websites -->blogging
evite --> and EVDB
domain name speculation -->search engine optimization
page views -->cost per click
screen scraping -->web services
publishing -->participation
content management systems-->wikis
directories (taxonomy) -->tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness -->syndication
Source, “, 2005”

Web 2.0 is just at the beginning stage from now on. Many features are waiting to invent in the future. I believe that there will be an advance level of Web 2.0 later on, which will be more focus on the interaction between publisher and visitors. Web 2.0 and podcasting will head to a new stage to present the interacting idea to audience instead of just surfing or making comments. I believe that podcast is the technology that will replace typing on the computer. People will use podcast to communicate to others. This will help to improve the flexibility of internet use.

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