Monday, January 14, 2008

"What is the biggest issue facing blogging, citizenship and the future of media?"

We are now living in a Digital Century; we should accept this. Nowadays, people are more often to use digital media to communicate. One of the media that is commonly using to express their thoughts or share their knowledge to others is called a “Blog”. “A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog.”( But what is the biggest issue facing blogging, citizenship and the future of media?

More and more bloggers are creating their own blogs to create their thoughts and ideas to the public. They will regularly or irregularly posting their entries on their blogs. The entry may be about their daily life, love story, political issue or religion issue. Readers can be free to browse or comment to the blogs without any permission once the blogger posted the entry. The problem is the information have not edited by any professional writer. When you read the information, you may get the wrong perception of the idea. Therefore the society may change by the quality of the blogs’ articles.

When more and more people use the Blog to share their thoughts, they probably will depend on the internet more then others. What it means is the face to face communication will decrease somehow. People will only use a blog to communicate rather than hanging out with friends! This is bad and can be a disease to the society. We will control by digital device in the future. We can not just depend on the digital media too much. Digital is just a tool to improve our lives but not the all of our lives.

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